May 7, 2018 – (Key West, FL). “Key West’s Duval Street” historic photos the subject of next Key West Art & Historical Society Distinguished Speaker Series presentation
On Thursday, May 17, Key West Art & Historical Society’s Distinguished Speaker Series welcomes historians Laura Albritton and Jerry Wilkinson to Old City Hall, 510 Greene Street, where they will offer archival photographs and accompanying stories of one of the most legendary avenues in the United States. The 6:00pm presentation of “Key West’s Duval Street” traces the development and origins of the iconic thoroughfare.
“Almost every kind of human drama has played out on Duval Street: births, deaths, baptisms, graduations, romances, artistic expression, protests, politicking, hard partying, religious worship, preparations of war, and celebrations of peace,” says Albritton. “Duval Street isn’t just a street: it’s a remarkable prism through which to view Key West history.”
Highlights will include famous buildings such as Key West’s Oldest House, St. Paul’s Church, the Southernmost House, the San Carlos Institute, and La Concha Hotel, along with fabled bars during the Prohibition and the Depression.
Distinguished Speaker Series presentation tickets are $5 for KWAHS members, $10 for non-members, and are available at, click ‘tickets.” Early ticket purchase is recommended. Sponsored by the Helmerich Trust and the State of Florida Division of Cultural Affairs. For more information, contact Adele Williams, Director of Education, at 305.295.6616, x115. Your Museums. Your Community. It takes an Island.
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Historian/authors Laura Albritton and Jerry Wilkinson will share archival images and tales about Duval Street, one of the most legendary avenues in the United States, at the 6:00pm, Thursday, May 17 Key West Art & Historical Society Distinguished Speaker Series presentation at Old City Hall.