April 22, 2024 – (KEY WEST, FL). The Key West Art & Historical Society has announced it will be adding a limited number of personalized commemorative bricks along the southeast walkway adjacent to its Key West Museum of Art & History. Bricks are available for purchase for the remainder of the year with a projected installation date of June 2025.
Personalized bricks are the perfect way to celebrate your connection to Key West and to ensure that you, your business, a friend, a loved one, or even your pet will be memorialized in history. Funds from the brick campaign provide for the ongoing costs of safeguarding the Society’s architecturally significant museum building—a beacon of historic preservation and center for community engagement. Your $130 donation secures one commemorative brick which can accommodate up to three lines of text and can also be embellished with a selection of decorative symbols for an additional $25.
To leave your legacy and help preserve Key West’s most historic structure, visit www.kwahs.org/support. Alternatively, you can contact the Society’s Membership Coordinator Kim Livingston at 305-295-6616, ext. 506 or [email protected]. The Key West Art & Historical Society is a registered 501(c)(3) organization under IRS guidelines and contributions may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for more details.
Your Museums. Your Community. It takes an Island.
Image 1: The Key West Art & Historical Society has launched another round of its popular commemorative bricks campaign to support the ongoing preservation efforts of its Key West Museum of Art & History. Bricks are now available for purchase through www.kwahs.org/support. (Photo credit: Damali Phipps/Key West Art & Historical Society)